Andy Warhol: Prints
From the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family Foundation
Distributed by Artbook and D.A.P.
This fully illustrated catalogue accompanies the retrospective exhibition Andy Warhol: Prints from the Collections of Jordan D Schnitzer and His Family Foundation, organized by the Portland Art Museum. Authored by exhibition curator Sara Krajewski, the book's chapters trace the development of Warhol's printmaking practices and his exploration of the photographic image as his source material through three time periods: the books and ephemera of the 1950s, the Factory and Factory Additions 1963- 1974, and Andy Warhol Enterprises, Inc., 1975 - 1987. Deep dive essay by print scholar Richard H. Axsom, senior curator at Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, takes a provocative look at the political implications embedded in the 1968 portfolio Flash - November 22, 1963, and the Sunset prints from 1972.